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ExLibris for my family

ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok

2016 self-made and personal Christmas gifts for my daughter and husband


Ex Libris - Bookplate

A bookplate, also known as ex-librīs ["from the books of..."], is usually a small print or decorative label pasted into a book, often on the inside front cover, to indicate its owner. Simple typographical bookplates are termed "booklabels".

Bookplates typically bear a name, motto, device or any motif that relates to the owner of the book, or is requested by him from the artist or designer. The name of the owner usually follows an inscription such as "from the books of..." or "from the library of...", or in Latin, ex libris.... Bookplates are important evidence for the provenance of books.


Kite Aerial Photography Ex Libris for my husband István.

István is on Flickr:

ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok
ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok
ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok

Ex Libris for my daughter, Hanna.

With Moon, her cat Lulu and her hamster Hercule Poirot RIP.

ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok
ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok
ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok

Ex Libris for István. István is furniture maker.

He collects planes, other woodworking tools and books on furniture.

ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok
ExLibris for my family - 1 by Hédi vagyok

Thanks for your attention!


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