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Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest

Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea

Flash show 0.

November 12-21, 2020

Venues: Gerbeaud Café I Toldi Club I Vitkovics Mihály utca 3-5. I Király utca 27. I Kecskeméti utca 14. (Mercure Hotel)

Exhibitors: Selma SELMAN – acb (HU) I Botond KERESZTESI- Everybody Needs Art/ ENA Viewing Space (HU) I Šimon SÝKORA – Polansky (CZ) I Jaroslav KYŠA – Zahorian & Van Espen (SK/CZ) I Saša TKAČENKO – Eugster II Belgrade (SRB) I BORSOS LŐRINC – Glassyard (HU) I Ada ZIELIŃKSA – Propaganda (PL) I Alexei GORDIN – Kogo (EST) I Simon KOCJANČIČ – Ravnikar (SLO) I Dimitrios ANTONITSIS – AETOPOULOS (GR) I Barna PÉLI- Easttopics (HU) I Jiří THÝN – Hunt Kastner (CZ)

Photo: Dávid Bíró

Curators: Fruzsina Kígyós, Alexandra Nagy

Design: Andrea Csuport

FLASH SHOW was established in 2019 as an alternative platform to traditional art fairs to support the emerging commercial galleries from the CEE region.

In pre-covid times, when there was no limit to the imagination, our concept looked like this: Each invited gallery will propose a solo show by one of its collaborating artists. 

The FLASH SHOW 0. edition was invented to adapt to the virus; stepping out of the four walls, we move contemporary art of the Central Eastern European region to public spaces, more precisely into shop windows, in different parts of Budapest.

Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea
Flash show 0. - The Covid-proof Art Fair in Budapest - 1 by Csuport Andrea

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