Flash show 0.
November 12-21, 2020
Venues: Gerbeaud Café I Toldi Club I Vitkovics Mihály utca 3-5. I Király utca 27. I Kecskeméti utca 14. (Mercure Hotel)
Exhibitors: Selma SELMAN – acb (HU) I Botond KERESZTESI- Everybody Needs Art/ ENA Viewing Space (HU) I Šimon SÝKORA – Polansky (CZ) I Jaroslav KYŠA – Zahorian & Van Espen (SK/CZ) I Saša TKAČENKO – Eugster II Belgrade (SRB) I BORSOS LŐRINC – Glassyard (HU) I Ada ZIELIŃKSA – Propaganda (PL) I Alexei GORDIN – Kogo (EST) I Simon KOCJANČIČ – Ravnikar (SLO) I Dimitrios ANTONITSIS – AETOPOULOS (GR) I Barna PÉLI- Easttopics (HU) I Jiří THÝN – Hunt Kastner (CZ)
Photo: Dávid Bíró
Curators: Fruzsina Kígyós, Alexandra Nagy
Design: Andrea Csuport
FLASH SHOW was established in 2019 as an alternative platform to traditional art fairs to support the emerging commercial galleries from the CEE region.
In pre-covid times, when there was no limit to the imagination, our concept looked like this: Each invited gallery will propose a solo show by one of its collaborating artists.
The FLASH SHOW 0. edition was invented to adapt to the virus; stepping out of the four walls, we move contemporary art of the Central Eastern European region to public spaces, more precisely into shop windows, in different parts of Budapest.