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Pulse Pavilion

Pulse Pavilion

The Pulse Pavilion main concept is about how to make a basic animation, an optical illusion without any digital devices or movement, and how design, light, and music can interact with each other. The visualisation on the wall and the graphics used throughout the identity are based on the sound waves of the track that you hear inside the pavilion. The rythm of the track is synchronised with the alternation of the different coloured lights, thus when the pulsing sound is getting faster the animation does too. This gives the illusion of seeing the audio while listening to it.

Special thanks for Tamás Máté architect.

Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely
Pulse Pavilion - 1 by Kiss József Gergely


Special thanks for


Máte Tamás


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