Barion Pixel
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Temporal landscapes 2017

After moving to the capital city, one thing I immediately noticed were the ever repeating patterns I was confronted every day. Traffic signs, bus stops, murals and places of public interest flashed before my eyes, repeating themselves endlessly. I became interested in how this repetition forms an image of a city. An image that is recognizable and made up of small repeating patterns. For this I used slit-scan technique which made it possible to work with repetition from pixel to pixel, while time gave it dimension.

This year I finally got the chance to follow up on some older work. From the very beginning of the project I had been on my toes, waiting for river Danube to freeze, thus creating a very unique aesthetic.

Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor
Temporal landscapes 2017 - 1 by Baksa Gábor

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