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NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci


I recently completed a brand new redesign of the craft beer label for @invitrobrewing, and I am excited to share the results! For this project, I experimented with a unique combination of design elements to create a label that stands out from the crowd. My approach was to use a geometric shape-based lettering style, which I combined with high-level ink traps to create a bold and striking effect. I also incorporated elements from the 90s, such as vibrant colors and bold patterns, to give the label a retro vibe that is both nostalgic and modern. 

client: Invitro Brewing 
genre: label design and typography 
photos by bendeguz csizmadia


NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci
NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci
NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci
NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci
NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci
NORTHERN DISCO - 1 by Borbás Marci




Budapest, Magyarország
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