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8 markets from around the world

8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz

Visiting a market is never just about getting your grocery shopping done: it’s about much more than that. It’s a complex experience with sunlight, colours, noises, scents and people. These together form patterns that make every single market unique.

Wherever I travel I visit the local market to experience these authentic, unique local vibes. For this project I chose 8 beautiful markets - some I've been at already, others I hopefully will visit one day.

I also decided to turn my back on my graphics tablet and use my beloved Posca markers this time. By doing so I hope I was able to capture the rough beauty and vividity of these places.

8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz
8 markets from around the world - 1 by Buzás Aliz

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