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FR Kraken Slab

FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla

FR Kraken Slab — this mild-mannered monster of a type — is a type family with a robust skeleton, idiosyncratic details and a strong personality.

It was inspired by the raw yet lively look of the earliest 19th century English Antique faces especially those coming from the foundry of Vincent Figgins. 

The goal was to create something contemporary that still carries the essence of those early models and not a digital reproduction of any particular set of peculiar​ shapes of that era. The design is rather like a collection of afterimages tuned into images once again, a portrait of someone vaguely familiar drawn from memory. It aims to capture and recreate the spirit of the style not the original forms. It's a tale truthfully​ re-told, a carefully crafted, clean and confident design that matured over time that can deliver whatever the job at hand. 

FR Kraken Slab is now available exclusively at  ➳

FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
FR Kraken Slab - 1 by Frank Béla
Betűtervező / Tervezőgrafikus
London, Egyesült Királyság
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