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Árpád Gin

Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio

We are proud to announce our collaboration with Árpád Pálinka in launching their new product line, Árpád Gin. In a marketplace teeming with new gins, Árpád Pálinka identified a niche for gins that boast natural, robust flavors crafted through traditional distillation methods, leading to the creation of their unique and novel gin range.

Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio

Árpád Gin is the embodiment of Árpád Pálinka Manufaktúra's dedication to excellence. It stands out due to its meticulous selection of raw ingredients, ensuring each sip delivers the freshness and exceptional aroma of the spices used. These ingredients are carefully macerated and then distilled in copper stills, a process that captures the essence and character of Árpád Gin. The entire journey from concept to final product is rigorously managed, with each step refined through extensive experimentation to achieve a product that resonates with harmony and elegance, showcasing the superior quality of ingredients and the wealth of knowledge and passion that Árpád Pálinka brings to their craft.

Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio

Our contribution to this venture was developing the visual identity and label design for Árpád Gin. Our aim was to encapsulate the spirit and heritage of the brand, crafting not just a label but an entire experience that redefines Hungarian gin, highlighting the meticulous care and innovative approach of Árpád Pálinka in their latest offering.

Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
Árpád Gin - 1 by hunap studio
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Budapest, Magyarország

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