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Godeny betűterv

Godeny betűterv - 1 by Kondor Zóra

Godeny typeface

The typeface is the thesis project that I have submitted to Krea Design School in 2020, I have worked with Amondó Szegi as a consulting teacher.

My original intention was to make a very symmetric and geometric letter form, that works well on multiple platforms, on print, and on the screen as well. My main source of inspiration came from Béla Fran’s Kraken and Ádám Katyi’s Mohol typeface designs. The end result has kept the geometric idea but went to a more asymmetric direction with the shapes. The final character is more unique and personal with a hint of grotesque. I ended up creating 626 characters. The typeface has a bold and an italic version as well, and it is compatible with all the European languages. 

Godeny betűterv - 1 by Kondor Zóra
Godeny betűterv - 1 by Kondor Zóra

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