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Aquatavia Water

Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor

Aquatavia is a premium water brand that focuses on mental freshness and hydration. Their goal is to make a relation between the water and the fresh lifestyle because their ideology is,,the hydration influence well-being,, If we drink water our skin looks better and it makes everyday life better. Our challenge was to create a bottle that includes the whole ideology and looks soft, clean, and minimalistic. The company wants to create a strong positioning in the minds of new customers. Their main goal was to show their main values in branding and create a premium look for the products.

Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor

​The mood of this idealogy is in close relation with yoga and the balanced lifestyle because everybody needs to pay attention to the scheduled drinking. Our idea was that we create something which is soft like silk, pure in design meaning like the water and we combine the lotus flower in a sophisticated way because the lotus flower is the symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth.

Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor

On the first sketches, we tried to incorporate the brand elements into the shape because the design needs to be coherent with the Aquatavia brand. We found a solution if we combine the,,water drop,, dynamic line elements and we repeat on a circular pattern, it gives a lotus flower at the bottom. The glass material of the bottle is also symbolizing purity and confirms the meaning of the lotus flower because the characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower and able to live.

Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor

The gradient from the frosted glass gives the feeling of freshness and coldness and it also means the purification of our minds, reflecting the dirty - clean water opposition where the lotus flower can live. The sparkling and still is also an opposition so we chose the cap colors to black and white because the user needs to recognize easily the difference between sparkling and still water. The black and white are present in Ancient Chinese philosophy - means the negative-positive, the contrary forces.

Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
Aquatavia Water - 1 by Kovács Apor
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Formatervező - Designer

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