Barion Pixel
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Webber – gamification app design

Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra
Webber – gamification app design - 1 by Kovács Alexandra

​Készült: Média és Design Tanszék, Vizuális Művészeti Intézet, Eger

Made at the Media and Design Department, Visual Arts Institute, Eger, Hungary

Konzulens / Consultant: Gyöngy Dániel

Felhasznált irodalom / Used bibliography: Pásztor Dávid: UX Design


tervezőgrafikus, webdesigner
Földes, Magyarország
Üzenet küldése

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