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Fazekas Benadett

Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter

The Client

Benadett Fazekas is a talented Hungarian interior designer who commissioned me to design her new visual identity. She wanted a strong visual appearance which is also an intelligent solution to communicate her visual statement: I would like-minded people around me

The Task

The most important to communicate the design awareness.It must be displayed the strict geometry and femininity on one surface. The identity must be a clear association with activity and space


The concept is based on one of the most perfect and most interesting geometric body. That is the icosahedron. The gold rectangles in the icosahedral perfectly represent the dimensions of space. The logotype is a simple FB monogram built on the structure of the icosahedron. In this regular composition, letter B was given more emphasis, because the first name makes the communication more personal invisibly. I used the signature of designer by personal objects and informations to dissolving the structured geometric rigor. In case of the main logo I used the different outlined shapes of a moving icosahedron. The choice of material is important as well. The shiny silver foil works as a mirror which defines itself both for the designer and the client also it gives a really unique and elegant look.

Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Fazekas Benadett - 1 by Molnár Péter
Budapest, Magyarország
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