Barion Pixel
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AB_Creative (2018)

AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter


The Client:

AB_Creative is a small startup creative agency focuses specifically on small and medium-sized businesses with not too large budget mainly in Hungarian market.

The Task

I've been comissioned to design the new identity which attract attention that clearly communicates and solves the typical marketing problems of small businesses. The aim was create a visual brand identity that truly showcases the brand’s love for details with suitable for versatile communication and personalized appearance for different clients.

The Solution

I based my concept on the general belief of the customers. They generally doubt the success of the marketing tools at their disposal, so they do not invest too much energy in consistent campaign work. I used keywords that are persuasive and constantly communicating.

The logotype based on the owner's monogram (AB) to make the look even more personal. I have paradoxically drawn the letters, symbolizing that customers need creativity, but in many cases they feel impossible to implement. This basic anxiety is solved by bright colors and the playful POP communication. I designed a lot of style practices with relevant messages. Demonstrating the diversity of solutions, I solved the same problem in several ways. It is useful on the back of the business card and on many other communication platforms, so that you can see a uniform image everywhere.

AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
AB_Creative (2018) - 1 by Molnár Péter
Budapest, Magyarország
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