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Petra & Christofer

Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio

Petra & Christofer’s countryside wedding took place in the idillic Árkipuszta, next to Mór. Hand painted signs and decorations, hay stacks, early 20th century bicycles, vine arbours, and beer tents decorated the nostalgic big day.

Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio

The invitation was designed in a “Retro Picnic” style, with typography and traditional printing in focus. The invitation also served as a map and raffle ticket.

Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio

The invitation is printed on brown cardboard with a two-color letterpress technique. The perforation was done manually with a 100 years old German perforating machine. The raffle ticket was also manually numbered using a number stamp. The letterpress printing was done by the renowned Thomas Gravemaker, from Letterpress Amsterdam.

Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio

As a final touch, the names on the envelopes were hand stamped with an Alphabet Stamp.

Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio
Petra & Christofer - 1 by Quint Studio

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