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Give Peace A Chance plakát

Give Peace A Chance plakát - 1 by Sólymos Ágnes Eszter

Good50x70 2009 pályázatra benyújtott plakát

Pályázati kiírás:

WOMEN’S rights violation


Women give life to Africa.


Communities are the core of life. And the heart of every community is the woman. Yet every year in developing countries 82 million adolescent girls become wives, 14 million give birth to a child, 83 million cannot read and write, while an unknown number of young women are forced to drop out of school thereby jeopardizing their future. Action must be taken to give women in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 74% of Africa’s urban population is concentrated, the respect they deserve and the hope that Africa needs. Amref runs schemes such as “Malkia” (“Queens” in Swahili) in the slums of Nairobi, that help raise women out of their difficult everyday situations by giving them the support and confidence they need through art and education.


Women in Africa are the pillars of their communities. They must be provided with means to help them gain the respect they deserve and allowed to speak with their own voice.

Give Peace A Chance plakát - 1 by Sólymos Ágnes Eszter



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