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Telegdi Old Style

The Telegdi is one of the most successful font family of IHOF and Fontanatype that has turned everything you have ever known about Baroque typefaces upside down. It can be used as a text and as a display text. However, and now it is available as a webfont.

Telegdi Old Style™ is a font family inspired by the unique, historical character of Jesuit press letters in Nagyszombat. High contrast, thin serifs, sharp terminals and large x-height are the key features for distinctive headlines. The whole family consist of 5+1 weights and real italics, small caps, swash caps glyphs, oldstyle, tabular figures and fractions. It covers extended latin script. Every weight has almost 600 glyphs.

Abbot Nicolaus Telegdi purchased the Vienna Jesuit press in 1577 and started to work immediately with its own worn-out typefaces. His first works were publications of his own speeches. The Telegdi typefaces evoke a historical feel, with their authentic, highly distressed style.

Microsoft Typography News: We like “Telegdi Antique”, from Hungarian designer Amondó Szegi, please, no excuses for using Caslon Antique any more

Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
Telegdi Old Style - 1 by Szegi Amondó
typeface, font, antiqua

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