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FAQ Impresszum Felhasználási feltételek Adatkezelési tájékoztató Általános Szerződési Feltételek

Textograph - editorial design

A textograph nevet viselő kiadvány bemutatja az indesign használatát, fontos shortcutokat és gyors kiadványszerkesztési tipp​eket nyújt olvasójának. Több fejezetben mutatja be az editorial design fontosságait, a program kulcselemeit. A project egyetemi feladatként készült, risograph technikával, két-szín nyomtatással 30 példányban.

The project - named textograph - is designed issue which presents the use of Adobe Indesign. Shows important shortcuts, tips for making your publication design technique quicker for users, readers and designers. It has several chapters to show the importance of editorial design, the programs key elements and various helpful ideas. Textograph was made for university project, with risograph technique, in duotone print. (30 pieces)

Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni
Textograph - editorial design - 1 by Tassy Fanni

​​Készítette: Urbanovics Eszter és Tassy Fanni

Készült: Média és Design Tanszék, Vizuális Művészeti Intézet, Eger.

Made at the Media and Design Department, Visual Arts Institute, Eger, Hungary

Consultant: Szigeti G Csongor

Print: Hurrikán Press

order from:

graphic designer
Verseg, Magyarország
Üzenet küldése

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