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Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System

Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás

Usiq Sans is a modern sans serif ​typeface with wide proportions, unicase characters and six weights.
It also has an animated version that reacts to sound based on javascript.

The motion results from a change in the weight of the letters that are affected by the strength
of specified frequency ranges of music. 

The visual features of the kinetic and static versions of the font are presented through an identity
of a fictional musical conference, named 'Uziq Musical Conference'.

Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás
Uziq Sans - Kinetic Type System - 1 by Kósa Tamás

Photos by Krisztina Szalay

Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design

Graphic Design MA Graduation Project




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