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Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design

Aura Aroma Lamp

Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio

Our IV collection’s birth was inspired by the four classical element, namely air, fire, earth and water. The collection’s object similarly to the four ancient elements are simple in their looks, symbolising the connection between them. Every product is hand-made from high-quality materials. All four designs include a concrete bottom part, sealed with leather for the protection of the glass or shiny surfaces it is placed onto and adorned with a ’Remember the Lion’ signed metal aluminium ring.

Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio
Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio

The AURA aromatic lamp is the first model of the IV collection, symbolising the air element. The object is made of three parts. The candle is placed on a concrete mounting. This mounting received a leather footing which protects glass or shiny surfaces from damage if the lamp is placed on them. The aluminium vent has 252 holes which produce a peculiar game of light on the wall around the lamp. The glass vessel containing the mixture of aromatic oil and water is made of a special heat-resistant glass, thus it is both durable and easy to clean.

Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio
Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio
Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio
Aura Aroma Lamp / Product Design - 1 by REMION Design Studio

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